Trying Hard

Climbing like most activities takes effort, as long as that effort is focused in the correct way usually the harder we try the more we are rewarded. But how do we know we are trying as hard as we can. Mental failure can often be the limiting factor rather than physical failure. Trying hard causes stress on the body, which by definition is stressful. Usually our mind tells us to quite when actually we are only trying at 40 to 60% of our maximum. If only we put 100% in we could unlock so much more of our potential. There are many things that could be stopping us from trying at our maximum but let’s touch on the most common: fear, discomfort, lack of belief. With practice these can all be improved upon. Our minds form habits which can be hard to break, usually we stop or fail because our minds decide we can’t go on rather then there being a physical limitation, that limitation then becomes a habit. But we don’t know the true results of our efforts without putting in 100%. Firstly let’s be mindful and try and figure out what is holding us back.

If it’s fear holding us back sometimes that can be completely justified. If you’re climbing outdoors miles above your gear putting 100% of our effort in could be down right reckless. But if we are bouldering in the gym are we really going to be putting ourself in harms way by trying 100%? Falling unexpectedly is probably the worst that could happen. Like everything we have to practise, if falling is a limitation we need to break it down and build it up one stage at a time, start by proving to yourself you can by take some controlled falls and build them up so next time you fall unexpectedly it won’t feel as much of a shock. 

Lack of belief can be something that stops us trying at our maximum, what is the point of trying 100% if we don’t believe we will sucseed? If that is the case then we have then we need to build that belief. We need a high success rate to prove to ourselves that trying at our maximum is worth the effort. Constantly failing because we are trying things too hard will only reinforce a negative belief in ourselves. In order to put 100% into anything we need a strong enough reason why, start by setting attainable goals like repeating a climb you found challenging in every session, by setting action steps like this we can build belief in ourselves session by session. 

The main and most common factor in trying hard is discomfort. It’s ok to not try at our hardest, but sometimes our goals demand it. Trying hard within climbing can be painful, fingers, toes and muscles can be straining and that sends a lot of signals to the brain telling you to stop. But this like many things this can be trained, the better the central nervous system is at dealing with stress the harder we can try and more our body’s can take. Weight training, HIIT sessions, cold water dips and early morning runs are all great ways to help the body adapt to stress. That way next time you are trying as hard as you can your mind will be able to take more before telling you to stop. 

Personally I like weight training to help with this, my mind constantly tells me to stop or that I’m already at my maximum but unless I physically can’t lift the weight anymore I know it’s only mental failure not physical. Building on this week by week I can see myself improving the amount of reps I am able to lift or even moving up in weight, this constant growing builds confidence while also improving my central nervous system ability to deal with stress. Cold water dips are great for building belief, the entire drive to the sea my mind is telling me I can’t do it, trying to find an excuse so I don’t have to feel so uncomfortable. But you have to be uncomfortable to feel comfortable. Afterwards I feel amazing, there is a huge feeling of empowerment for having gone through the cold and overcome such a challenge. Being consistent builds a belief within myself that I can do uncomfortable and scary things, I believe this “proving that I can” mentality is one of the most valuable things in life. 

Trying as hard as you can is a skill that can be improved with practice. I think it’s important to give yourself completely to the effort required, especially if you are looking to push yourself to the next level. By not letting thoughts and feelings of failure make decisions the act of trying as hard can have a huge impact on not just our training but our lives.


Training vs Exercise